Benefits for people living with cancer...
1.4.1 For the individual - better able to self-manage, improved self-efficacy, knowledge and confidence, experience and personalised care
If peoples changing holistic needs are identified and addressed at the most appropriate times across the treatment pathway, through providing people with the right information, support and care then people will be more prepared to manage their own rehabilitation, or aspects of it. This will help prevent people’s needs and issues reaching more serious proportions (depending on the type and stage of cancer and their life situation).
For people diagnosed with cancer and deemed to be at end of life, identifying and addressing changing holistic needs supports them to live the best life they possibly can during that time.
All people then, no matter what stage or type or cancer will have the best experience possible given their individual situation.
This is because person-centred care and support addresses a wide range of needs (emotional, physical, practical, financial, clinical etc) which supports self-efficacy, knowledge and confidence to self-manage aspects of an individual’s rehabilitation and/or care to the extent which is appropriate for them.
For the individual – accessing and re-accessing the system; making connections and developing supportive relationships
If people know where, when and how to access the right kind of information and support across the treatment pathways in primary, secondary and community settings, and are supported to access that support then they will access and re-access the ‘system’ at times that are most appropriate for them, and develop supportive relationships and connections across the pathway.
This is because people will have knowledge on what they can expect from the ‘system’ and will have trust that the different settings can provide the right kind of information, support and care to meet their changing needs.
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