Supporting, Monitoring & Evaluation
(Corresponds to Green Rooms RP resource section c)
Supporting a partner to think about monitoring and evaluation (ideally from the bidding stage)
- I want to know whether the delivery of the Recovery Package could be improved
- I want to support partners with monitoring and evaluation of the Recovery Package
- I want to reflect on progress and ensure continuous improvement
Resources & Guidance
As well as drawing on the Definitions Document and the Outcomes Framework to support thinking and conversations, speak to the London services team Evidence Officer about the most suitable options for monitoring and evaluation in the particular case.
For example, you could potentially use the Macmillan RP Measurement Framework, which is currently being piloted. You can request a copy here. Having decided what it is that you want to understand through collecting data, this framework gives you guidance on the most appropriate metrics and data to collect.
You can also consider establishing a simpler monitoring framework to collect routine data. This will tell you about how an intervention is being implemented. If you want to understand how effective the intervention is, you will need to use an evaluation framework.
Planning for and/or undertaking a service review
- I want to support partners to collect data to inform service reviews
- I want to reflect on progress and ensure continuous improvement
- I want to encourage the use of the Macmillan eHNA tool or other Macmillan tools/systems
If you developed a monitoring and/or evaluation framework (see above) early on/before the service began (using the Outcomes Framework and/or Macmillan RP Measurement Framework - see above) and the partner organisation is already using this, then it should be quite straightforward to reflect on progress in relation to both implementation (routine monitoring data) and effectiveness (if the partner organisation is carrying out any evaluation or evaluation is part of the service).
You might consider using the eHNA data dashboard and/or the quarterly RP data reports to reflect on progress and identify areas for future work/continuous improvement. Using the eHNA dashboard, for instance, you could compare uptake across different cancer types within one Trust, understand conversion rates to care plans, and monthly breakdowns. You can also do an estimate of uptake relative to eligibility (see eHNA dashboard guidance) to see roughly how many eligible people are completing an eHNA at a particular site.
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