"The Macmillan Physical Activity personal trainer was great.  He worked with me to get my fitness and confidence back."

"I thought I couldn’t go to the gym again or do half the things I did before my breast cancer; I spoke to the lady from the local leisure centre at the Macmillan Information Day and she said I could get a GP referral for a 12 week programme which could be tailored to me.  My GP referred me straightaway and I have my first session next week, I feel so positive and it will really help with my depression as well as my physical problems."

My nurse referred me to the Macmillan information and support nurse Fran and she was a great source of support for me.  I regularly talked to her about how I was feeling which was a great help."

"After a few weeks Pam visited the Macmillan Information and Support Centre at her local hospital for advice.  Although her husband was reluctant to go into the centre himself, a Macmillan Cancer Information Specialist provided  Pam with advice and booklets to take home to him.  Speaking in September 2017, Pam says “I can really see how the information helped my husband to come to terms with the shock and fear that my breast cancer diagnosis brought; he became much less emotional and upset and was able to move on and start to offer me practical support and help, which was very useful when I had my second diagnosis.”

Benefits taken from the Macmillan Outcomes Framework....


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